St Andrew’s Hospice is one of our charity customers and it provides a comprehensive range of care for patients of all ages with life threatening and limiting illness, along with support for those who care for them.
The organisation has launched the Light up St Andrew’s Hospice appeal to help reduce the costs of lighting its building by replacing its current light bulbs with LED lamps and fittings; and we are one of many businesses helping it out.
The saving made from this switch for just one zone of the building will save it the equivalent of five nurses’ salaries for one year. As they complete further zones even more savings and a greater reduction of its carbon footprint will be achieved.
It costs almost £15,000 per day to run all of the hospice’s activities; that’s more than £5 million a year. St Andrew’s Hospice gets just 18 per cent of its income from statutory sources – the remainder it has to earn or raise.
It will cost almost £20,000 to upgrade just one zone of its Peaks Lane building; while it takes more than 130,988 Kwh of energy to light up Andy’s Children’s Hospice.
A £50 gift provides a recurring £37.50 saving to the hospice for the next 10 years; and £25 is the equivalent of £187.60 over a decade and £10 is £70.41 over 10 years.
You can make a contribution via You donation will light up not only St andrew’s but also the lives of children and adults with life threatening illnesses for years to come.