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Detoxing just became a whole lot easier with 10% off our fruit boxes!

Posted On : 12/01/2017


We’re almost halfway through January and there’s bound to be a lot of you detoxing to rid yourselves of the excesses of Christmas and New Year, and water plays a very important role in this.

According to Dublin-based dietitian Aveen Bannon, “the best thing to help eliminate waste products from the body is water, which allows our body to get rid of waste materials naturally.”

Water may have zero calories but it still has the ability to fill you up so you don’t eat as much junk, while also being able to naturally help your body to release fat cells which helps with weight loss.

Some other benefits of drinking water are that it can help improve your mood, it flushes toxins from your system which goes towards keeping your organs healthy while you’re sweating; which reminds us that drinking water while you’re working out helps to reduce muscle fatigue as well as boosting your recuperation after you’ve finished your workout.

Eating fruit is also an important part of detoxing because it’s high in liquid-content which helps the body to wash out toxins. Fruit is also very easy to digest and is high in antioxidants, nutrients, fibre and important vitamins.

The potassium in fruit can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, and it may also lessen the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss as you age.

And in case you thought we were just a water cooler company, we’re not; we also deliver boxes of fruit to office, shops and factories across the whole of Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Derby and Nottingham.

This January we’re offering 10 per cent off our boxes of fruit which are fresh each morning from Hull Fruit Market. We’re also offering free rental on all new bottled water cooler contracts until April this year.

So why not get in touch today via email or call us free on 0800 061 2193?